COVID-19 Publications
A novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus that has not been previously identified. Coronaviruses belong to the group of the Coronaviridae family, causing infection in avian and mammalian species including humans. These single-stranded RNA viruses cause acute upper respiratory disorder with common cold-like symptoms.
Public health officials and partners are working hard to identify the source of the "2019-nCoV". This outbreak started in December 2019, as an unknown cluster of respiratory illnesses first reported from Wuhan City, China.

- Clinical and laboratory characteristics of recovered versus deceased COVID-19 patients in Islamabad, Pakistan. Rana MS, Usman M, Alam MM, Ikram A, et al. Journal of Infection 2020;
- Impact of COVID-19 preventive measures on other infectious and non-infectious respiratory diseases in Pakistan. Rana MS, Usman M, Alam MM, Ikram A, et. al. Journal of Infection 2020;
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on Measles surveillance in Pakistan. Rana MS, Usman M, Alam MM, Ikram A, et. al. Journal of Infection 2020;
- Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in ophthalmic secretions in Pakistan: A preliminary report. Rana MS, Arshad Y, Zaidi SZ, Sharif S, Ikram A, et al. Journal of Infection 2020;
- Emergence of co-infection of COVID-19 and dengue: A serious public health threat. Saddique A, Rana MS, Alam MM, Ikram A, et al. Journal of Infection 2020;
- First trimester miscarriage in a pregnant woman infected with COVID-19 in Pakistan. Rana MS, Usman M, Alam MM, Khalid A, Ikram A, et al. Journal of Infection 2020;
- Using critical information to strengthen pandemic preparedness: the role of national public health agencies. Hollman L, Erondu N, Khan M, A, Rathore TR. BMJ Global Health 2020;
- Improving National Intelligence for Public Health Preparedness: a methodological approach to finding local multi-sector indicators for health security. Hollman L, Erondu N, Khan M, Afifah RS, Ikram A, Rathore TR, et al. BMJ Global Health 2021;
- Novel Coronavirus outbreak in Pakistan: Beware of dengue. Rana MS (NIH), Ikram A. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2020;
- Overlapping clinical manifestations of COVID-19 with endemic infectious diseases in Pakistan: A looming threat of multiple lethal combinations. Rana MS, Usman M, Alam MM, Ikram A, et al. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 2020;
- Reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP)-based diagnosis: A potential alternative to quantitative real-time PCR based detection of the novel SARS-COV-2 virus. Malik FA, Haq Farhan, Khurshid A, Ikram A, et al. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 2020;
- Decontamination and reuse of N-95 masks: A narrative review. Khan MA, Ikram A, Savul S, Lalani F, Khan MA, Munazza S. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology 2020;
- Probing SARS-CoV-2 sequence diversity of Pakistani isolates. Rehman Z, Umair M, Ikram A et al. Infection Genetics and Evolution 2021;
- Importation of SARS‐CoV‐2 Variant B.1.1.7 in Pakistan. Umair M, Ikram A, Salman M, et. al. Journal of Medical Virology 2021;
- Co-circulation of COVID-19 and dengue: A perspective from Pakistan. Rana MS, Alam MM, Ikram A, et al. Journal of Medical Virology 2020;
- Application of Biosafety Principles in Laboratory Analysis of Clinical Samples from Patients with COVID-19. Gardezi SAH, Ikram A. JPMA 2020;
- Infection prevention and control situation in public hospitals of Islamabad. Suval S, Lalani F, Ikram A. J Infect Dev Ctries 2020;
- Evaluation of the COVID-19 laboratory-based surveillance system in Islamabad-Pakistan 2020. Atifa Mushtaq, Ikram A, Chaudry A, et al. Journal of Global Biosecurity 2020;
- Comparison of actions taken by Pakistan, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam for COVID-19 prevention and control. Jabeen A, Ansari J, Ikram A, et al. Global Biosecurity 2020;
- Proliferation of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 Variant in Pakistan-A Short Surveillance Account. Massab Umair, Muhammad Salman, Zaira Rehman, et al. Front. Public Health 2021;
- Whole-genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 reveals the detection of G614 variant in Pakistan. Massab Umair, Aamer Ikram, Muhammad Salman, et al. PLOSONE 2021;
- The Role of the Global Health Development/Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network and the Eastern Mediterranean Field Epidemiology Training Programs in Preparedness for COVID-19. Bashier H, Khader Y, Malik E, et al. JMIR Health and Surveillance 2020;
- Covid-19 outbreak In Pakistan; A Situational Analysis. Noreen N, Siddiqui SW, Dil S, et al. Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology 2020;
- Evaluation of the COVID-19 Laboratory-Based Surveillance System in Islamabad-Pakistan 2020. Mushtaq A, Ikram A, Chaudhry A, et al. Journal of Global Biosecurity 2020;
- Mortality Analysis of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases in Pakistan. Chaudhry A, Ikram A, Baig MA, et al. The International Journal of frontier Sciences. 2020;
- The Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 2019 Novel Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) in Balochistan, Pakistan: Covid-19 situation in Balochistan. Ain Q, Larik EA, Saeed A, et al. Journal of Basic and Applied Reasearch in Biomedicine 2020;
- COVID 19 Pandemic & Pakistan; Limitations and Gaps. Noreen N, Dil S, Niazi SK, et al. Global Security 2020;
- Access and Use of PPEs among Pakistani health workforce (HWF) during COVID-19 emergency: A cross-sectional Study. Hakim M, Khattak FA, Atiq M, et al. Health Security 2020;
- Estimation of Final Size of COVID-19 Epidemic in Balochistan Provinnce,Pakistan. Arif M, Kakakr A, larik E, et al. The International Journal of frontier Sciences. 2020;
- Assessment of Anxiety among Healthcare Professionals Working on Frontline against COVID-19. Farrukh S, Hussain W, Siddiqui ZS, et al. Biomedica 2020;
- Tracking down B.1.351 SARS-CoV-2 variant in Pakistan through genomic surveillance. Umair M, Ikram A, Badar N, et al. Journal of Medical Virology 2021;